I create these personal vibration paintings to enhance the energy of a person or space. I use prayer and meditation to find the appropriate vibrations for each person or space. My initial idea was to create some healing paintings for myself to work with my health and other emotional problems. I discovered that every color, shape, and stroke I used to create the painting had a specific meaning for me and for the process of my healing. My purpose was to transform these inharmonious energies and transform the painting into a metaphor for my true healing. I used mixed media and the vibration of the colors to depict the meaning I like to convey to each painting.
These paintings can be used for the following purposes:
Raise the vibration of a person or place
Love and peace
Abundance and prosperity
These are samples of my own healing paintings.
Raise My Vibration | Prayer for Healing of the Heart | Prayer to Connect with My Guides |
To order your personalized healing vibration painting, I will need your name and your photograph. These are specialized orders and are completely unique to you in every aspect. Prices vary with size. Please contact me for inquiries.