What is Direct Divine Light Healing

Built on clairvoyant experiences over five decades, Direct Divine
Light Healing™ was developed by renowned teachers Barbara Y.
Martin and Dimitri Moraitis based on healing traditions dating
back 4,000 years.

The auric field is your energetic blueprint. The healer directs
Divine Light into your aura to restore health and balance.
Direct Divine Light Healing modalities include:

• Chakra Healing
• Nervous System Healing
• Meridian System Healing
• Crystals Energy Healing

Working with your aura and the healing power can improve all
facets of life. Lasting benefits include:

• Healthier, more balanced life
• Greater harmony and compassion in relationships
• Renewed sense of purpose and motivation
• Enhanced creativity and talents
• Increased prosperity
• Reduced stress and anxiety
• Improved physical health
• Boosts self-confidence
• Increased energy and vitality

Certified Direct Divine Light Healers have studied a minimum of four
years, including at least two years of practice and experience with
the healing modalities. Certification is awarded only after candidates
have demonstrated a level of direct connection to the healing power.

To learn more about how Direct Divine Light Healing
visit our website www.spiritualarts.org